Solving Data Science's First Mile Problem.

The First Mile Problem

In data science, the highest value is beyond the first mile. Yet most projects and teams spend excessive resources solving "first mile" problems.

First Mile Services

We specialize in offering the following "first mile" services so that you can focus on solving your "real" problem.

EDA provides a quick bird's-eye view of a dataset. It enables early discovery of patterns & anomalies while testing hypothesis and checking assumptions. We understand your requirements and share the EDA results so that you can validate early on of whether you are asking the right questions.

When it comes to data analysis, “garbage in produces garbage out.” We help you avoid this pitfall by cleaning and curating your messy data so that you get precisely the data that you want.

We transform data into a structure and format that caters to your specific requirements. This includes working with unstructured data and data that is scattered across various platforms, files & data sources.

In the real world, data flow is continuous and prone to change. Managing this requires a robust data pipeline. We manage this data pipeline for you and keep the data flowing with real-time data that is cleaned, organized, and ready for you to use.

We consolidate data silos into one simple source of truth and work with you to build insightful dashboards that track, analyze and visualize data that is critical to you.

Should you allocate your valuable time and resources in pursuing the project on hand? We help you answer this critical question by providing you sufficient evidence that will help you make an informed & timely decision.

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